Urinary Incontinence Treatment 
Urinary Incontinence Treatment 

Urinary Incontinence Evaluation & Treatment 

Urinary incontinence is a common problem that can affect anyone, but it's often not discussed. You might be reluctant to see your doctor because you're embarrassed or afraid. Or you might think urinary incontinence isn't a serious issue to take care of now. You may even believe that your symptoms will get better on their own with time. But urinary incontinence can be treated, and there are ways to manage it, so it doesn't interfere with daily life. 

When Should I See a Professional?

If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's time to talk to your doctor about urinary incontinence:

  • You feel like you're not emptying your bladder completely when you urinate.
  • You have trouble urinating even when there is no discomfort or pain.
  • You've had frequent accidents while away from home.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence? 

Urinary incontinence is most commonly caused by a weak bladder muscle. Many women experience urinary incontinence due to childbirth, menopause, or aging. Certain factors, such as obesity and chronic coughing, can also contribute to weakening pelvic floor muscles. Urinary incontinence is sometimes associated with underlying diseases or conditions such as diabetes and Parkinson's.

Treatment Options

If a patient has mild incontinence, they can try simple lifestyle changes to reduce their symptoms. For example, avoiding caffeinated drinks and kegel exercises to strengthen muscles. If the patient has moderate symptoms, they may be a candidate for medication or biofeedback therapy. For more severe cases, patients may need surgery to correct the problem.

Do You Need Urinary Incontinence Evaluation or Treatment? 

If you are experiencing urinary incontinence, call Atlanta Women Specialty Group. Most cases can be treated and managed. Our team of professionals can help you find the cause of your symptoms and recommend a treatment plan perfect for your needs and lifestyle.